Monday, February 25, 2013

My new website!

I've been MIA for a while now, knuckling down on my dissertation for my PhD degree. I'm very excited to present my new astrology business website, Be sure and check it out! I've imported this blog over to the new site and will be experimenting with the squarespace blog format for the time being, but if I get lonely I may just migrate back here! Thanks so much for stopping by ...

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your website, Thea. Now that I've seen it and read through some articles, I'm hooked! I've always been intrigued with Astrology, so I read a thing or two about it every once in a while. But what I read in your website takes that to a whole new level. That being said, I'm confident that your message will come across through a wide range of audience. That means potential clients aren't too hard to find. Good luck on your business!

    Sage Aumick
